Saturday, January 22, 2011


OMG I am so excited! I am flipping out! I wish it was Feburary 1 right now. Tomorow at 12 Pacific, the 2011 LJC Contest ends! The winner gets Kanani and their outfit made and second place also gets Kanani. I want her more than ANYTHING. I am going insane I want her so bad. OMG I WISH THEY WOULD ANNOUNCE THE WINNER ALREADY GOSH!! If you can't tell I'm very hyper... because I am so bored...


  1. if you win totally post a pic of her i hope you win how many people entered the contest??? what was the contest entry??? omg!!! Im hipper too! my b-day is in 2 more days!!!! ill post pics of what i got!!!

  2. if u go to: there will be five entries. i think around 1000 people entered so it isnt very much!!! i will definatelyu post a pic if i get her!!!
