Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Doll Hospital Patient! :)

Nikki is my first doll hospital patient. Here are a few pictures of her while I was working on her.
when i first got her

after i washed her face and put her in the gown

after i comed her hair

my first attempt at curling her hair

my second attempt

when she fell asleep (sorry its upsidedown)

But I'm not done yet! :)


  1. OMG !!!! she looks sooooooooo great!!!! I love doin stuff like that i have friends in the neighborhood that have ag dolls so yah i love it do u have a ag room??

  2. yah i have three all over my room

  3. AWSOME YOU see im moving so i cant put up a ag room yet but im gonna have a HUGE HUGE HUUUGE place to make one so that i can do photos and stuff like that are you gonna enter the ROOM TOUR contest?????? i really want you to !!!!!!!!
