Thursday, January 6, 2011


I have a doll hospital business that I am starting and I am so excited! I don't have a name yet, but I will! My first patient is my friend's doll Nikki. I might also have Kaya and Mia or just Nikki and Mia or vise versa with Kaya. But she said they need their hair done and marks removed so I am so excited! I get them tomorrow! I hope to post before and after pictures!! :) I also hope to get more patients!


  1. really ? so i could send my doll to you how much would it cost??????
    super stoked!!!

  2. well not yet cuz my mom would prob flip if i told her a girl i met on the internet sent me a doll but defintately when i get older. lol even tho we are buddies on here! :)

  3. yah my mom would do that same....... but yah defiantly when u get older !!!!!!!! i like ur post!!!!

  4. thx! i am so excited to get older cuz then i can sell doll clothing and start my doll hospital business! we need to keep in touch!

  5. definitely i just made my first outfit and im going to be putting it on my blog!!!! i really need more fabric though ugggg !! Go to journey girls doll well .. search it up on google and they have a amazing bed set you should get into it!!!!
